Financial Aid

Our company offers financial aid fund disbursement and management services by providing banking relationships and debit card services for our students, faculty, employees and others by utilizing IntelleCard. IntelleCard™ provides a paperless payment system for financial aid disbursements, payroll direct deposits, refunds and credits management by utilizing Prepaid Visa debit card services.  Additionally, IntelleCard provides the students access to cash from any ATM plus instant money transfers from parents through the Internet.
Improve students’ experience
Reduce administrative costs
Streamline financial aid processes
Strengthen community relations
Explore new revenue opportunities
Improve Cash Management
Reduce administration costs
Eliminate check printing nightmares
Revenue sharing opportunities
Proven technology built on existing platforms
Eliminate check cashing expenses
Parental review/restriction options available
Immediate funds available
Everywhere cards are accepted
Convenience of cards even when credit is an issue